September 4, 2009

The End... At least for now

Dear readers. I've decided to take the blog offline. The reason is that at the moment my life is just too hectic: job hunting, interviewing, getting ready for my new life. I've found that instead of making me more peaceful, the pressure of writing blog posts actually caused stress. So I've decided to let it go. At least for now; who knows, I might find new inspiration later on. In the meanwhile, thank you for reading and I'll definitely be checking up on you on your blogs regularly!

August 11, 2009


Two keys - the symbol for my town - on a bridge. The picture was taken from a boat on the canal.

I'm sorry for posting so irregularly lately... I've got a week planned full with job interviews and presentations and at the same time I'm organizing a party for my graduation.

Here at my university it is tradition to have a dinner with family after the graduation ceremony followed by a "party" for everyone - friends family professors students etc- who played a part during your time at university. I say "party" because it's really a particular kind of party. Everyone is dressed up and in many occasions there is no music played, except for the songs that the graduate's sorority friends or roommates or other friends have composed and will sing very loudly. These songs generally cover every embarrassing episode during your time at university: drunken episodes, every guy you've ever been mildly interested in, bloopers...

My graduation and party will be in 2,5 weeks time and yesterday I've sent out the invites. MrBee and I have been testing a couple of bars here in town (which resulted in our own little pub crawl) and I've finally decided where it will take place. It's a really nice bar in an old factory building at a canal here in town. That location is certainly not the cheapest option - which is not unimportant when about 75 people come to drink to your graduation and you have a student budget - but in the end I decided I should celebrate this special moment at a place I feel very comfortable and where I'm sure everything will be great.

I'm really excited about seeing everyone who has contributed to my amazing time as a student together in one bar to celebrate my graduation, but I'm not sure whether I should be too excited about the songs..... I've been a pretty good girl but I trust my friends will come up with lyrics that'll turn my head into a tomato...

August 5, 2009

So cute...

You might already have seen this clip on A Cup of Jo but I just had to post it here, as it is unbelievably cute. This guy Jake proposes to his girlfriend through a 59 people whisper chain.... I love looking at everyone's faces when they hear the message and whisper it on.

August 3, 2009


Writing about my bookclub reminded me of being more active about my list again so I wanted to show you today how I've been doing with my resolution to have more fresh flowers around the house lately...

Fresh flowers can be quite expensive but I've found that I can get really good deals at my local market on Saturday afternoon when the vendors need to get rid of their stock. The other week I got 60 (!!) long stemmed Dutch red roses for only EU5 (which is about $7,50)!! Unfortunately I didn't take any pictures of them but believe me, they were absolutely stunning. I had them all around the house and gave some away. I'm sure neighbors thought MrBee had either proposed or something to make up to me!

I've found having flowers around makes me so happy!

July 31, 2009

What a surprise

I would want to be on this subway in Paris.....

July 30, 2009

Recipe: Lemon-goat cheese tagliatelle

Yesterday I made this perfect summer dish. It's based on a recipe I saw in the newspaper this morning. It's ideal for dinner al fresco and extra nice with a cool glass of white wine I think. Bonus: you can make it within 10 minutes. Promise!

Lemon-goat cheese tagliatelle
(serves 2)
adapted from nrcnext

250 g / 3 cups fresh tagliatelle
half a lemon
100 g / about 1/2 cup soft goat cheese
3 tablespoons of olive oil
75 g / 3 cups rocket lettuce
two tablespoons of pine nuts
150 g / 1 cup half dried tomatoes (I bought mine at the market this time but you can also make them yourself quite easily, find out how right here)
salt and pepper

Boil the tagliatelle as instructed on the package with a tablespoon of olive oil and some salt.

Roast the pine nuts until they are light brown and let them cool on a plate.

Wash the lemon with luke warm water and grate the zest.

Mix the zest in a bowl with the goat cheese, 2 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 teaspoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice and some salt and pepper.

Drain the pasta but hold on to one cup of the water and add this to your lemon-cheese mix.

Stir in the lemon-cheese mix with the tagliatelle.

Add the rocket lettuce, tomatoes and pine nuts.

Add salt, pepper and lemon juice to your liking.

If you like, you could even top the dish with some parmezan cheese, but I think it doesn't really need it.
Tip: use a larger pan than I did!


July 29, 2009

My favorite spot

The final post in the Through Her Eyes series I've participated in is now online. Check it out right here!

The assignment for this fourth week was to send in pictures of my favorite spot. Because the pictures are so small in the THE post over at Layers of Meaning and because the text has been edited a bit, I thought I'd share my original text and pictures with you here....

I wanted to show you two places that I visit pretty much every Saturday: my local market and library. Both are in the historic city centre of my Dutch town. I just love walking around all the different stalls at the market. I usually buy a lot of cheap fruit and vegetables, but I’m also a huge fan of all the Mediterranean products that are sold here. I don’t mind that it’s busy at the market, I actually enjoy seeing so many people together and I absolutely love how the vendors shout out their best offers as loud as they can (“Pineapples! Two for 1,50! Delicious juicy Piiiiineapples!!”).

The local market, right next to the canals. In the background you can see our city hall.

It’s much more quiet at my local library. I can just spend hours there browsing through the novels, cookbooks and glossy travel books. My perfect Saturday afternoon I enjoy on our sunny balcony with new books, a glass of wine and garlic olives, almonds and fresh feta cheese from the market….

Our local library with one of the city's churches in the background.
And bikes. Of course....

July 28, 2009

Book club: first meeting

As I announced earlier this week, last Wednesday I really achieved my first goal from my life list: my new book club met to discuss the first book we all read. We did not really know how to shape our discussion, whether we should ask each other questions or whether we should just start talking. I think this lack of structure caused our discussion about the book to be rather short. But I guess it is also fair to say that we were also distracted by other urgent matters we had to discuss, such as upcoming graduation, job interviews, men etc. (My friend S. had an interview for a PhD position on Thursday and found out on Friday she got it! Yay!).

Still, if any of you has a good idea on how to structure a book club meeting and how to really accellerate the discussion, I would be very grateful if you could leave a comment!

For next time we are reading One Day by David Nicholls. The cover looks great so I can't wait to dig in.

(if you haven't read the Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger yet and you're contemplating doing so (you should! you should!), DON'T read on!)

Besides the logistics of time travel, I think the most important theme we talked about regarding the book was predestination. I think I would become so frustrated if I knew it didn't matter what I would decide to do, the effect was already decided. Another friend of mine felt it would be quite comforting to know that it wouldn't matter. Like when Clare and Henry go house hunting, Clare doesn't even get the chance to form an opinion about any of the places because Henry already knows. I wouldn't have it. I'm a bit of a smarty pants and I would be sure to check it out myself and maybe even push it. Just because. But then, even if I would push it, I would know that it wouldn't work. It wouldn't make a difference. How frustrating. Like you're in a really fast current and you just have to go along...

Another thing we discussed about a lot, was the end. Some of my friends felt a happy ending would have been much more satisfying, while I feel that a book doesn't always have to have a happy ending. It can make a book so much more interesting, so much more thought provoking. The book left me sad and confused but I think that's also a beautiful thing a book can do for you.

What did you guys think about these issues?

July 27, 2009


... Have you noticed my new blog header?

I decided I really needed to personalize the blog and do something about the header. I used a picture I took in El Chalten in Argentina last year. (Looking for a magnificent travel destination? Go to Argentina and Chile!!!!)

Bariloche, Argentina

I am on a deadline for my final thesis and should really be writing but I am just dreading it, which is why I take up any project that will take my mind of the work I should be spending my time on... Now I've finished the header I have to think of something else that needs attention urgently. Maybe I should clean the windows? Reorganize my books? Bake a cake?

Slipped my mind...

I only realised just now that I completely forgot to tell you the third post in the Through Her Eyes series over at Layers of Meaning was posted last week! Go check it out! It shows where I do my blogging and features some really great bloggers. I am honoured to be part of this series! The fourth and final post will be on some time this week. I'll try to be a bit more on top of things this time!

July 22, 2009

Paper Heart

I just came across this trailer online and it has me all excited about Paper Heart.

Paper Heart seems to be half documentary half fiction and it features some great people from Juno (which I adored), Knocked Up and How I Met Your Mother. I'm expecting a very funny, cute and original film....

Cute bonus: the website for the movie also features an awesomely cute Mash Game, which I am sure you've all played when you were little....

Can't wait!

July 20, 2009

Remember my goals

It's been a while since I posted about my life list. It seems like no work has been done. But that's not the case really.

One of my goals was to start up a book club.

White rose

And that's what I've done!

This Wednesday me and three of my best girlfriends will sit down with cupcakes and tea for the first meeting of our newly established book club, discussing The Time Traveler's Wife. I absolutely loved the book and I am looking forward to talk about it with my friends.

I'm also looking forward to start reading the next book, which will be reveiled on Wednesday.

I will definitely tell you more about achieving this goal after our first meeting, but for now it seems like I can cross the first thing off my list!

July 16, 2009

THE series part two

The second part of the Through Her Eyes series yours truly participated in is online! Check it out here.

July 15, 2009


MrBee and I went to see Regina Spektor play in Amsterdam last night. She performed at a venue called Paradiso, an old church with high ceilings, glass stained windows behind the stage and a beautiful balcony right in the center of Amsterdam. It's really a beautiful place.

It was the perfect setting for the concert. Regina was angelic. I can't believe her voice, she was so good. I'll be listening to her new album non stop for the next couple of days I think...

July 10, 2009

Sweden rocks!


How amazing is this?? Isn't it just the best tribute possible?

This vid reminds me of the massive dance off in the Antwerpen central station I posted last month.

This sort of stuff just makes my day.

I wanna dance tonight!

July 9, 2009

Out there!

Exciting news! I am featured on this month's Through Her Eyes series over at Layers of Meaning. I love this blog and the THE series especially. I strongly advise you to check it out! The first edition came online just today and this week you can check out what's in my purse....

July 7, 2009

Night At The Museum

In the Dutch university town I live in we have quite a number of really good museums. Tourists from all over the world come here to enjoy paintings by Dutch masters, to see special types of tulips in the botanical garden, to marvel at the Egyptian mummies. Yet somehow in the six years I have lived in this town I had visited only a few of them.

Well, last Saturday we had the perfect opportunity: Museum Night. Museum Night has been an annual event in Amsterdam for quite some years now, but this was the first time it was organized in my town. Seven large museums were open from 8pm until 1am with afterparties at local clubs following. They had bands playing next to Rembrandt paintings, cocktail bars within exhibitions about Japanese folklore, lounge areas in the botanical gardens, DJs in Egyptian temples, lectures, workshops, performance art...

Since most of these museums are located within the historical center of the city, they were all within walking distance. However, there were also buses to take you from one place to the next. And, yes, as you would expect from Holland, there were bike taxis (riksjas) and also boats to take you to museums located next to canals...

Mr Bee and I had a great night. We got to see four museums in one night. We learned things about our city we didn't even know. We were driven around in a riskja. We took a tour in a boat. We enjoyed the lights from the canals.

My town. picture from flickr

Perfect combo of going out, having a drink and still feeling like we did something interesting with our night....

July 6, 2009

I had to hand in a paper on Friday which I hadn't started in time. Apparently one thing I haven't learned during my seven years of academics is working with a deadline. I had to pull an all-nighter in order to finish it on time, working the entire thursday night and friday morning....I have no idea whether the paper is any good, but at least it's done. And, not unimportantly, it was the final paper I had to write to obtain my Master's. Now all I need to do is complete my thesis and I will be Master of Science! I just need to hang in there and get it done. Whooaah!

(No particular reason to post this picture, I'm just busy reorganizing my digital photographs and I came across a couple of rather nice pictures I took in Rome last year)

June 26, 2009

So sad...

(image from

June 24, 2009

My new study

Can you understand that all I want to do from now on is work?

Good timing because all I HAVE to do is work. I've got just a couple of weeks left to hand in reports, papers and essays so that I can graduate in August....

Psst... and when I don't work I play around with my new iPod Touch... I have like a little love triangle with my iMac and iPod touch....

June 22, 2009


Our local market has two stalls which sell mediteranean products: avocado's, mint, couscous, turkish bread, garlic olives and my absolute favorite: half-dried cherry tomaties. I love these little babies. I could eat them constantly. Unfortunately, that would become rather expensive.

But I have a solution to this problem.

I make my own.

You wanna know how? It's really easy actually.

The secret is getting cheap cherry tomatoes.

At my local market, the deals get better during the day. When you go there say around 3pm, many of the sellers will have pans which contents they sell for one euro ($1.40). These products are often on the verge of going bad but for some recipes - like this one - that is really no problem.

So last week one of the things I picked up at the market wasva pan with a bunch of cherry tomatoes (I'm guessing about 50 of these beauties). After washing them and generously sprinkling them with olive oil, salt and black pepper, all I had to do was pop them in the oven for a couple of hours and I had a batch of half-dried tomatoes to last me for a while. They go great in salads but I've also used them in an avocado soup I made the other day.

Half-dried cherry tomatoes

40-50 cherry tomatoes
4 table spoons of olive oil
sea salt
black pepper

1. Preheat oven to 250 F (120 C) .

2. Rinse tomatoes and cut them in two.

3. Place them on a baking sheet.

4. Sprinkle with olive oil, salt and black pepper and mix everything with your hands.

5. Leave the tomatoes in the over for 3-4 hours, until they shrivel up.


June 19, 2009

First try

My Philips food processor arrived and after enjoying unpacking the giant box and installing the processor and all its zillion accessories in my kitchen, the first thing I made... was a good old drink for myself.

I mixed gin, tonic water mint, and ice in the blender and voila!

I promise more ambitious projects will follow soon...

June 17, 2009

Waiting anxiously for...

Really I am doing everything in my power to avert the economic crisis.

Yesterday I ordered both a 24" iMac and a Philips food processor online.

I know it's a bit extravagant, but I felt I deserved it because of my 1000Eu prize and almost graduating and having had my previous laptop for 6 years and finishing the internship and my time abroad! (Of course the 1000E does not cover this all. Sadly.)

I know I told you I wanted to buy a laptop and I did but then I realized I mostly use the computer at home and also since I have been suffering from back, neck and shoulder problems from stress and using the computer too much I felt a desktop computer would be the better choice for me. And of course, I admit, I swooned over the iMac design. It is gorgeous.

I ordered the iMac through the special Apple education store, which gave me a discount on the purchase but more importantly, the kind Apple people offered me an iPod touch. I only have to pay taxes for it.

Both the iMac and the iPod touch should be delivered here in 3 or 4 days I think. I can't wait.

But I'll have another toy to ease the waiting. Because I also bought a Philips foodprocessor which also functions as a blender and a juicemaker and it is supposed to be delivered already today! I've been eyeing it for a couple of weeks now and yesterday I just went for it. Maybe because its price tag wasn't so impressive anymore after just buying an iMac.... Check it out here (Oh and I got it a lot cheaper than it is selled for on this website... Yay!)

Isn't it a beauty?

I'll report to you as soon as my new loves arrive!

June 16, 2009

Raspberry-poppyseed muffins

I know I've been telling you how much I love baking and cooking and how little I've shared that with you here yet.

Well, hold on, here is my first recipe. I made these muffins last week and they were an instant hit.

They are not too sweet.
They are actually low cal.
They are easy to make.
Oh. Yeah. And they're delicious.

Raspberry-poppyseed muffins
(yields about 20 medium sized muffins)
adapted from Epicurious

2 cups all purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking powder
big pinch of salt
1/4 teaspoon baking soda
1 cup low fat yogurt
lemon juice from one lemon
1 cup sugar
1/2 cup unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/2 tablespoon finely grated lemon peel
2 large eggs
1/8 cup poppyseeds
1 cup raspberries (frozen or fresh)

1. Preheat your oven to 350F (180C).

2. Butter and flour muffin pans or use paper liners.

3. Mix butter, sugar and lemon peel.

4. Add the eggs one by one, while mixing, until mixiture is light and fluffy

5. In another bowl, whisk flour with baking powder, baking soda and salt.

6. In a third bowl, mix yogurt with lemon juice.

7. Alternately, beat in dry mixture in 3 additions and yogurt mix in 2 additions to the first bowl.

8. Add poppy seed and raspberries.

9. Spoon batter into muffin pans by generous tablespoons full.

10. Bake muffins for about 24 minutes or until the muffins are no longer too moist.
PS Since I am used to working with scales, I am very grateful for the conversions table provided by Chocolate & Zucchini. If anyone needs help with volume-to-weight-conversion for these measurements, let me know. Next I'll include those in my post as well!

June 13, 2009

Something fun for your weekend

I was just cleaning the house when MrBee interrupted me to show me this video of dancers taking over Antwerp Central Station.

Oh MrBee knows me so well.... It totally made my day.

It was done by a Belgian TV channel as a promotion stunt for a new program to find a new musical star.

June 12, 2009


MrBee and I watched the Michael Moore documentary Sicko yesterday. I have to tell you, I was just baffled.

I am sure Michael Moore uses all kinds of editing tricks and strong rhetorics, but still I was so amazed by what is going on in the States. I feel lucky here in the Netherlands.

I especially liked the things British politician Tony Benn said.

MrBee and I cried, laughed and talked during the movie. I'm just so happy I'm back and able to share these things together.

June 9, 2009

Start of a list

Just the other day I asked your advice on writing life lists. You recommended me to be realistic and to be careful with big lofty goals and also to be accepting that my taste, my feelings and thus my goals can change.

After careful consiferation I still think writing a life list could be good for me. If only as an opportunity to contemplate what I really want and to discuss those things, for example with MrBee.

Have a look at the list here!

Your comments did lead me to take some precautions:

* I started with a list of 50 goals

* These goals are a mix of short-term and long-term goals but also contain some points that I cannot really tick off, but more things I would like to keep in mind, hopes for the future, mantra's to live by....

* One of the goals in my list is to keep reviewing the list

I'm just gonna see how it goes. See how I get on. I'll also make a button on the blog somewhere some time soon so it is easily accessible and I'll post about how it's working for me regularly I hope.

Any advice and comments are of course very welcome!

My version of a life list - Dreams and hopes

  1. Learn how to make sushi

  2. Start a book club

  3. Ride a limousine

  4. Go to a ‘blind restaurant’

  5. Buy ‘real’ art

  6. Become a mom

  7. Learn ballroom dancing

  8. Visit the Grand Ole Opry in Nashville, Tennessee

  9. Give a really, really great honest toast

  10. Never show up empty-handed

  11. Do something romantically cheesy

  12. Throw a cocktail party

  13. Always have a bottle of bubbles ready in the fridge and create reasons to celebrate

  14. Learn how to work with Photoshop properly

  15. Scuba Dive

  16. Get married

  17. Organize digital photos archive

  18. Print selections of photos and put them in albums

  19. Document my life

  20. Say more I love you’s

  21. Dance more

  22. Be kind to others

  23. Make pasta from scratch

  24. Try sculpting

  25. Accentuate the positive

  26. Buy a 1930s house

  27. Buy stocks

  28. Have more often fresh flowers in the house

  29. Bring old clothes to 2nd hand stores

  30. Volunteer

  31. Show my children the world

  32. Learn how to sail properly

  33. Teach my children to be open-minded, tolerant and kind to others

  34. Open up about what’s really on my mind

  35. Stop dieting

  36. Grow roses in my future garden

  37. Send out postcards and handwritten notes besides birthday cards

  38. Never be embarrassed when it comes to my health

  39. Trust my instincts

  40. Go to a drive in movie

  41. Keep having date nights with MrBee

  42. Name my child after my mom

  43. Buy more organic food

  44. Truly accept and love my own body

  45. Get a proper manicure and pedicure

  46. Learn how to sew

  47. Talk to MrBee about our dreams and hopes

  48. Visit Japan

  49. Learn basic HTML

  50. Review this list actively

June 7, 2009

Typical Dutch

One of the first days I was back home in Holland, I went into town on my bike to run some errands. On my way back I picked up these peonies which have been the eyecatcher of our living room since.

On my way back home I passed a boat with tourists enjoying a tour over the canals and then they started taking pictures of me cycling by!

I guess I did look like the prototype Dutch girl: long blond hair, Dutch bike, flowers under my arm, cycling on the bridge over the canal...

June 5, 2009

A very very very happy girl

Remember how I told you MrBee and I went to see Phoenix play before we got together and I was still with someone else?

Well Phoenix just released a new album, their 4th, which hasn't left my CD player since I got it (yes I still buy CDs).

You can imagine how bummed I was when I found out a couple of weeks ago that Phoenix was coming to play in Amsterdam but that the show had already been sold out.

But I put up an ad on, which is I think the Dutch version of Craigslist, saying that whoever could sell me two tickets to the Phoenix show was gonna make me a very very very happy girl.

And then on Wednesday night I got a call. Someone offered me his tickets for the normal price. I was so excited! He even sent me the tickets before the money was booked onto his account. I love it when people just trust each other... I love this guy. He made my week.

The show was at a relatively new club in Amsterdam in a building that is going to be torn down in a while. It looked really industrial. Very cool. They had all kinds of art projects going on and we actually saw the Phoenix guys hanging out there before the show. Had to contain myself not to go ask them for an autograph. Or a picture. Or a drumstick (I have a small collection of drum sticks from bands I've been to see. MrBee plays the drums...).

And the show was just awesome. Just awesome. MrBee and I were right in front of the stage and we danced and sang along and just enjoyed the music. MrBee later told me I was just beaming all night long. I probably was...

And our way back home we remembered how different everything was on our first Phoenix concert...

June 3, 2009


Go and enter!

Back home!

I am back home and really really happy!

MrBee came to pick me up in Lyon and we had a really romantic last weekend there.

Driving back to Holland went really well. Fortunately it wasn´t too hot. I don´t have AC in my car and when I drove back from Geneva a week earlier I felt like I was before a reallyh arm blow dryer all the way. Not very comfortable. When we drove through Belgium we had a really really bad rain storm. Somehow it always rains when MrBee and I drive through Belgium... I wonder what that is....

I am enjoying spending time in our home, I´m getting used to being back. Somehow the idea that I don't have to leave again in a couple of days hasn't really sunk in yet....

Even though it has only been my second day back home, already I've noticed I should be careful not too waste too much time doing nothing, resorting again to the "cheap entertainment" I referred to in my very first blogpost. And although I feel like I deserved a bit of off time, I feel I need to make sure I get into some sort of ¨rythm¨ or routine.

In the next couple of weeks I don´t really have work or classes but I do have tons of stuff to do. I have reports to write before I can graduate. I need to start applying for jobs. We still have a lot of stuff to do around the house. I feel like structure in my days is essential for getting things crossed off my to-do-lists.

Tell me, do you have suggestions on how to make most of your days?

PS The artwork I won in a Blog Giveaway a couple of weeks ago has arrived! It´s tiny but really really pretty. I´ll post about it later when we decided where to put it.

May 27, 2009


Hello my dears - I just wanted to let you know I'm gonna lay low for a couple of days since I have to wrap up my internship which ends this Friday and then MrBee is coming to Lyon so I'll be much too busy to write something that might actually be mildly interesting for you. Next week I'll be back full force though because by then I have returned to my natural habitat back home!!!! Can't wait! xo

May 25, 2009

Pretty freaking awesome

Boy oh boy did I have a good weekend...

Yesterday I drove to Geneva. I had to be there today to give a presentation at HQ of the organization that I am working for. But I went a day early because friends of mine live there. I had the best time. We spent the entire day in their garden with view on Lake Geneva and the Alps. It has to be one of the best views in the world.

Best thing about these friends? They sure know how to spoil a girl who loves good food and drinks... We started off early with a pre-lunch aperitive - rose wine and bruschetta. Well that was a first for me. Pre-lunch aperitive? I don't complain. We had a fabulous lunch with white wine. We drank gin-tonics on the pool side. We had dinner with swiss cheeses and salad from their own garden. Have you ever heard of Himalaya salt? They had it. I never expected to say this of salt, but it was delicious. They served espresso accompanied by the meringues I had brought from Lyon. We sat outside until well after 1am, playing cards, drinking limoncello. Do I sound like an alcoholic yet?! I must have gained 10 pounds in one day...

I love these people. Not just because their well stocked fridge. They always make me feel so welcome and relaxed. I'm sad that when my internship is over I won't be able to visit them so easily anymore....

Even though I didn't sleep so much last night my presentation at HQ went really well. My supervisor even hinted there would be job opportunities for me in the organization or other international organization...

Couldn't ask for a better start to my last week in Lyon...

May 22, 2009

End-of-the-week cheers

I just realized I completely forgot posting my weekly dose of positivity. (Which I really need right now because Windows Explorer just crashed on me leading me to lose a nearly-finished blogpost... Argument to buy a Mac?!)

Here we go. this week cheers go to:

* Family. My uncle and aunt are in Lyon for a couple of days on their way to the South of France. Spending time with them yesterday reminded me how amazing it is to have loving family and how strong family ties are. They won't "break up" with me and while that may cause panic attacks in some people, I find it very comforting.

* Contests and giveaways. I cannot believe my luck lately. After winning the art giveaway over at The English Muse last week, I won 1000 euros this week! I can't wait to see what next week brings....

* Cute couples videos. I saw this on A Cup of Jo. I've found it on a number of other blogs since then as well, but I couldn't resits posting. Guaranteed smiles. And can you believe the awesomeness of their wedding guests?!

This other cute video Amelie-style was posted over at rockstar diaries.

* Having a boyfriend who has been so incredibly supportive both times I went abroad for a long period but who also tells me now he would like me to stay in the Netherlands from now on.. (I'm sorry I have been gushing about MrBee so much lately. You must be quite curious about him by now.... I promise to limit my MrBee-gushing as soon as we are reunited. I'm just a little obsessed at the moment. Just bear with me for a week en plus!)

* Which seems to be a worthy replacement of pandora - which doesn't work anymore in Europe and which I have been missing terribly - and - which I never really liked. If you are on as well, come and find me and check out my DJing superstylin'. Username is MsBee!

* Writing my cheer posts. I've found writing these posts make me feel so lucky and happy! I can recommend it!

I hope you're all having a wonderful day as well! xo Bee

May 21, 2009

Ok. They're pretty cute too...


Guess who Phoenix singer Thomas Mars' girlfriend is...
It's Sofia Coppola.
They have a daughter called Romy together.


Aren't they the cutest couple ever.

Almost as cute as MrBee and I....

Ready for the next 5

Just a little over five years ago...

I met Mr Bee in a record store.

We talked about music.

I bought many CDs.

He gave me discounts.

We went for a drink.

We talked and laughed and talked.

We kept on talking until we had been kicked out of three bars who closed before we were ready to say goodbye.

Small complication. I had a boyfriend.

We saw each other as much as we could.

I introduced him to my friends. We all danced together in one of my favorite clubs.

We laughed and talked.

I told him things not many people know.

We went to a concert together. The concert of Phoenix.

It was amazing.

I wanted him so bad.

It was electric.

Phoenix quickly became one of my favorite bands.

We stayed out until 7 in the morning. I didn't want to say goodbye.

We bought tickets to go see Air play.

I had to break up with my boyfriend. I was in love. With MrBee.

By the time that Air concert came around, MrBee held me. We had been together for a month.

(This is easily one of the sweetest videos of all time)

Today MrBee and I celebrate our 5 year anniversary.

Well we have to celebrate it separately, with me here in France and him being at home in the Netherlands.

I'm sure we'll make up for it when we see each other again (in 8 days!!!! wooooot!)

I can't wait for the next five years....

May 20, 2009

Light up light up

On the 8th of December 1862 a statue of the Virgin Mary was erected in Lyon as a way to give thanks to the Virgin Mary for having kept the plague out of the city gates. To honor the event, the people of Lyon put candles in their windows for the first time to honor the new statue of the Virgin Mary. It became an annual tradition.

This tradition has been extended into an annual festival in December, Fete des Lumieres, and appearantly during that three day festival the city is like a fairytale with candles, illumniated buildings, fireworks and light signals.

Unfortunately I wasn't here yet in December (well, I was in South America then, so that's hardly unfortunate...) but it turns out that the city has cool light projects year round.

The most important buildings and bridges are illuminated at night in various colors. It is really quite cool....

(As you can see Lyon has its own tiny "Eifel Tower")

May 19, 2009

Good day sunshine!

This morning I had to give a presentation for about 60 people and my supervisor wanted all kinds of last-minute alterations so I had to stay at work till 10 yesterday evening and got up at 6 this morning.....

(After a very horrible night of sleep. A mosquito from hell paid me a visit.)

But the presentation went really well and everyone was happy. I am now more confident about being able to complete this internship successfully. Yay!

My supervisor just came to bring me some orangette, chocolate covered strings of orange. He is a good man.

It is a good day.

I just received a phone call. Months ago I entered a career game for students who are about to graduate. Even though I was through to the third round, I could not compete for the title "best graduate" because I was abroad. But now they called me to tell me my name came out of the lottery for a 1000 euro extra prize, which is really really cool (1000EU is roughly $1360 or 880GBP). That really came as a surprise! It's just weird to be here by myself at work without really being able to share the news with anyone. But I'm happy I can share it with you.

Hello MrMac. Nice to meet you.

I think that MrMac would be a great destination for my prize money.... After some of you recommended getting a Mac I have been thinking about buying one.....

Or do you have a really good suggestion? A trip? More dresses?

What would you do with a suprise prize like this?

May 18, 2009

Dress up!

Look at this cute dress.
I got it at Promod this weekend.
I am always drawn to dresses when I go shopping. It's so much more fun than shopping for basics. I hate having to spend money on boring shirts, tops and socks. As a result I own A Lot Of dresses (I'm guessing more than 30 - is that really really bad?) while I can never find two matching socks in my drawer...
Anyone else have that problem? And the solution?
I had a wonderful weekend with my friends.

I'll tell you more about it in later posts.

May 15, 2009

I admit: La France can be quite douce

After yesterday's Bee-is-miserable-abroad-post, I thought I'd share some of the benefits of living in France.

Last weekend my dad and my brother were visiting and we had the perfect French day on Saturday.

We had breakfast with Pain au Chocolate

We drove into the beautiful French country side of the Beaujolais with many vinyards, hills and forests

We visited medieval villages, churches and boroughs

We had really really incredible macarons (mine was raspberry-pistachio, with poppy seed)

The sun was shining all day

We had baguettes for lunch

We did some vin degustation in the afternoon and of course made a little purchase too

We had dinner at a very cute little Italian restaurant.

... Ok so that's not typically French. But it was the perfect ending to a glorious day!